Chakras ("the wheel” from Sanskrit) are the energetic centres in the human subtle body located along the spinal column. They are also the places of Nadi channels densest interweaving. Through the Nadies prana (or life force) runs. We can compare it to the electric current.
Ancient Indian Rishis described the chakras as differently colored lotus flowers or as whirls of vital energy in shape of a wheel. Hence to that they’ve received their name.
Each chakra correlates to its bija-mantra - a Sanskrit syllable that contains vast bioenergetics information.Each chakra has its own color, planet, element, physical body part as well as certain vritti (vibration) – needs, desires, thoughts and emotions.
It’s considered that there are seven main energy centers:
Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna, Sahasrara.
These are the main prana producers. They receive energy from the outside, convert it to the necessary frequency and integrate into the human energy system. After that prana is consumed according to human organism needs.
Why do we use Chakra meditation?
In case of positive scenario prana circulates freely through the chakras, mostly resided in upper energy centers. It manifests itself in a benevolent way. Then all the body parts and visceral organs are in balance, the person is emotionally calm and happy.
But when the energy centers are in wane or flow there is blocked, the energy dissipates at the level of this chakra or is used inefficiently. Then negative vrittis and physical illnesses arise. In this case the person wastes himself on unnecessary thoughts, desires and emotions and loses his strength furthermore.
The stronger and powerful the chakra is, the more we are able to control the vrittis that appear at its level and direct them into the positive way. That's why we use meditation.
Meditation helps to activate the chakras, to balance and restore them, to fill them with proper energy. Chakra meditation is beneficial for people who suffer from chronic diseases and mental weaknesses.
The purpose of chakra meditation. Firstly is to develop ability to concentrate on each energy center, purify it and harmonize, to feel the energy of chakras and to be aware of their existence.
If you practice regularly, you will experience emotional stability, energy flow and proper energy use, you will gain liberation from many physical body diseases.
More information is available by phone: + 7 (495) 646 13 31