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Ayurveda and yoga center

Yoga and Yogatherapy

Yoga therapy includes breathing techniques, asanas, kriyas, bandhas, mudras, mantras and their combinations selected specifically for each patient on the basis of the diseases stage or body reaction on therapeutic procedures.

Yoga therapy guarantees full healing if the patient is fully involved in the treatment process and follows the recommendations provided strictly. At the initial consultation, yoga therapist diagnoses and "prescribes" your individual program of "yoga vitamins", so if you "take" it regularly — you would soon be able to feel improvement or even completely forget about the illness.

Yoga therapy, like any other medication, should be carried out under the medical supervision, which in our case is a yoga therapist. At our center yoga therapy is performed in accordance with “samyak yoga” — the method, which has been developed by Master Chandran. For more than 20 years Master Chandran and his students have been treating people with the help of yoga-therapy for various diseases, including those which classic medicine failed even to diagnose. Lumbago, cervical spondylosis, hypo- and hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, eczema, epilepsy and mental disorders — and that’s an incomplete list. Diagnostic Technique used in this method is called Nadi Vijanyanam — a diagnostic by pulse, which can detect the disease at its earliest stages. Samyak yoga method based on ancient Indian texts, researches on diseases’ nature and many years of practice. It is an individual approach to each person’s treatment, taking into account the type of constitution and structural body features.