The word Prana means vital energy. It was mentioned first in the Upanishads (thousand years old sacred texts) and is translated from Sanskrit language as "breath of life", "life energy" or "vital matter".
This energy (the power of creation) exists in space around us and in our subtle and physical bodies as well (that was written in ancient texts).
The process of breathing for instance is related not only to lungs filling with air, but also (and even more!) with the process of prana absorption by body and mind.
The word Kriya in Sanskrit means "action". In fact it represents energy motion through energy channels and chakras. We used to think that the action is performed only by physical body, but in fact there is also an internal action. In order to experience spiritual evolution we should practice meditation and mantras recitation (which represent an internal action).
The word Dhyana means "absorption". It’s an art of self study, self reflection, perfect observation or searching for the Infinite within self. This is the observation of physical processes in body, self study of mental states and deep meditation. It means looking inside into your intimate nature. Dhyana discovers self Essence.
When the power of intellect and heart are harmoniously combined this is Dhyana. This combination brings creativity. And its positive and benevolent results favor to humanity.
Prana Kriya Dhyana meditation results in a conscious state of serenity. Chronological and psychological time stops to exist as during deep sleep. In such a mental state enlightenment can be experienced.
Regular meditation reveals hidden abilities of a person. It changes internal chemical processes in the body and increases resistance to stress hormones.
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